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Everything posted by Fxltzy

  1. Fxltzy

    Cobra EFT

    Cobra EFT is nice, so far ive ordered three times i like it alot, a few things id like to see added though would be a list of items on dead players and scavs, also the prices of items are very far behind and sometimes wild (i saw a stack of RIP ammo going for 1.7 million inside schturmans stash) also being able to have night vision would be pretty nice aswell. overall still a solid 8/10 , switching from cosmo back to cobra though i would recommend cosmo pro EFT way more features.
  2. Fxltzy

    Cobra EFT

    Ive used cobra EFT today, and its brilliant, an update id wish to see added into the cheat though would be able to see the price of an item on someones body other than that 10/10
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