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Windows 10/11 Intel/AMD
Aimbot Options:
Toggle Aimbot
Aim Always
Target Knocked
Target Bots
Target Team
Visible Check
Draw FOV Border
Draw FOV Background
Mode (Legit, Rage)
Bone (Head, Neck, Body, Pelvis)
First Keybind
Second Keybind
Customizable Smoothness
Customizable FOV
Customizable Aim Distance
Visual Options:
Player ESP
Box 2D (Box, Corner)
Box Filled (Static, Gradient)
Line (Middle Top, Middle Down, Center)
Skeleton Thickness
Head Circle
Show Weapon Name
Show Ammo
Is Reloading
View Line
Is In Vehicle
Show Bot
Show Team
Show Knocked
Visible Check
Rendering Distance
Chest ESP
Vehicle ESP
Zipline ESP
Item ESP
Customizable Item ESP Rarity
Miscellaneous Options:
Limit FPS
Menu Language (English, Chinese)
Menu Keybind
Unload Keybind